Whether we’re at Level 3 or level 4, we’d all agree that covid has definitely taught us all some useful lessons. Keeping things simple, enjoying a slower pace and prioritising things we love.
A very long time ago, I sat in a lecture theatre and learned about a man called Victor Frankl. This Austrian psychiatrist suggested that our search for meaning in life is the primary motivation for all human beings.
In essence he argued that what matters is not the meaning in life in general, but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at any given moment. In other words, meaning is expressed in what we actively and consciously choose to do with our lives.
So if you, like me, love golf, you will have missed not being able to play in recent weeks. We may have had the putter and wedge out for a bit of practice, but it hardly satisfied that urge to play a full round, did it?
So what would Victor Frankl surmise about those of us who choose (as often as we can) to get out and play golf. If you ask google about the character traits of good golfers, you’ll find (unsurprisingly) they are: competitive, focussed, driven, perfectionists and so on.
But maybe like me, you’re none of those things, but rather, your love of the game and motivation to play comes from being with people you enjoy, lots of laughter and being outside in beautiful Aotearoa. So understandably, we’ve all missed getting our ‘fix’ during this current covid outbreak and connecting with what motivates us.
I live in the South Island, so as I write this we’re about to move to Level 3, so I’ll be out at my local course very soon, doing what I love to do.
So my covid learning with Victor Frankl in mind, is a new appreciation for my golf obsession. It’s less about shooting under 90, lowering my handicap and sinking that long putt and much more about providing a combination of everything I love: good company, camaraderie, laughter (mostly at myself) and a desire to improve.
Thank you Victor
Happy Golfing